So today I went to The Heart of the Shires, a lovely place to visit just north of Weedon (Northants), mainly to pick up my wheat that I ordered for some crafty bits waiting to be transformed from my dreams into beautiful textile gifts but I also visited a shop with some of my Christmas decorations. After having loads of positive feedback I took a deep breath and decided to see the owner of one of the shops. They have some decorations already on a Christmassy branch tree thingy but they didn't seem very Christmassy to me, cupcakes and hearts, nothing too exciting as I can't remember what there was! I thought they might like some of my yummy felty Christmas goodies especially as I was offering them on a sale or return so if none sold they wouldn't have been out of pocket. So imagine my surprise when they said they weren't sparkly enough! If they had just said that they don't sell felt items I could have understood but to say they weren't sparkly enough! Anyway, thought you might like to tell me what you think! Ok, so you can't really see the sparkle within the felt on the pictures but trust me some are made with sparkly felt.

I have also added a couple of my favorites which are now for sale on etsy and folksy.
Now, I have to confess I like sparkly things. A lot. When it comes to Christmas, my desire for sparkly things is often satisfied with the glittery lights and decorations.
However, even I, a self-confessed sparkle-holic can appreciate that there is such a thing as TOO much sparkle. Sometimes, it's the non sparkly decorations that look the best and manage to even outshine sparkly decorations with their wonderful simplicity and colour. Your decorations DEFINITELY fit into that category. What a silly lady saying they weren't sparkly enough!
Don't feel upset by her stupid commment, or feel the need to change what you obviously do so well. Apologies this has turned into such a long comment, with total overuse of the word 'sparkly', just wanted you to know that I think your decorations are truly gorgeous!
Kate x
Kate, thank you so much you have made my day with such a lovely comment. Please can you email me with name and contact details as you are number 16 follower and not only added to my top 20 giveaway and the Xmas giveaway but I decided to give number 15 and 16 a special something too. Hope you continue to read, thanks again, xxx
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